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Brendan Lott is immunosuppressed with severe sensitivity to sun exposure and therefore he has taken the quarantine extremely serious. Staying home all day and night with necessity being the mother of invention, he began shooting photos from his DTLA loft capturing images from the windows of the building across the street.  Beyond the obvious curiosity of being voyeuristic, he realized regular life is amazing and beautiful. He aimed to depict bodies at rest, confined by architecture depicting a moment in time. In no way are these images of human beings meant to be portraits and for the most part he avoids showing complete faces.  His intention is capturing the feeling of waiting for life to begin again which is something we are all experiencing.

"I know that these images are ethically dubious. The subjects don't know they are being looked at. But how else to get truly unself-conscious, intimate images in the age of the Instagram selfie? And this intimacy is both attractive and unsettling. I want to give the viewer the thrill of being a voyeur, but also feel a little guilty for looking.” - Brendan Lott

Safer at Home